Thursday, April 30

One Hundred Days and Counting

In less than 100 days America's President has put his mark on the insurance industry, the mortgage community, the banking business, the last vestige of manufacturing (cars), adversely affected credit (cards) and scared everyone from the markets to local marketplaces.

From main street to wall street people feel the inexperience of this and his uncertain leadership. Or is it? Is it uncertain? Can it all be intentional?

At this rate, in four or even eight years (depending on how bind U.S. citizens are) America's federal government may own everything except the very soul of it's citizens. Your children will gnash their teeth (from taxes) by the time this man leaves office. Four trillion dollars. Four trillion dollars. Four trillion dollars in just one hundred days?

The common man who doesn't see this (or didn't see this when they voted) certainly will deserve the government it gets. The rest of us, however, can only see this as a loss of a citizens sovereignty. The loss of 'we the people.'

So next time you see the President smiling, or hiding his smile, just remember why. He allowed your money, your future economy, to be taken and you never even complained. And when you hear others or yourself defending it, just remember: 'they went madoff' with your money. The only difference between a pyramid scheme and what has happened, in the last one hundred days, is the name given it by those who you trusted to protect your interest.

Wednesday, April 29

Hands Of Time

It is still early in this "the year of change" and I can not help but to feeli a sense of 'reluctant momentousness.' After all this is my first post of a web log that will cover subjects that can only be defined as solemn.

Thomas Paine wrote about a crisis in his time saying "These are the times that try men's souls" however in 1776 few men would have cared to wonder that such a time would come again. I contend we are in an age of ignorance.

The ignorance lies in that, while the hands of time move ever so slowly, all we want is to rush progress; and while there is so much that we need to achieve as a people, a nation, a world, it might be best if we slow down, discern and communicate; otherwise what must be done won't be fully realized.

I have little hope though that we will or can slow dowm; because no matter how much the world seems to be out of balance, many would say: when was it ever truly balanced.

So, for those who doubt the need or even sincerity of my writing, I ask that you honestly try a small simple test. Turn on the news on your radio, see it on the web or actually watch it on your tv set. Stop, look, listen. Then see if you don't see what I see. If you don't notice the unusual nature and the unpredictable frequency of human and natural events. If you do not, then my posts are probably not going to be of much interest to you. If you however, do see what I see (if you are the type to care or wonder) then make a discerned comment and be sure to follow us here ...and please let us be the 'last read' in your list... I promise not all the posts will be ""passionate poetrix"" or ""harbingering doom.""