In an article by John Batchelor entitled Panic 2011 Mr. Batchelor writes: "President Obama and Vice President Biden met the media Monday in order to reintroduce and promote the $1 trillion stimulus package from March."
With this having been said, all I can say is I told you so. The key word in the above sentence is "reintroduce." What you should be asking yourself is why would Obama, with Biden nevertheless, come out to REINTRODUCE the stimulus package announced three months ago in March? We're in June?
Simple! He needed to steal the headlines, as I said he'd do in my last post.
The administration knows America's mind is on bombs flying from the east, kidnapped Americans, terrorism, and taxes (yes being taxed even more to pay for a phony healthcare program). Yes, President Obama has a media conference all while we should be worrying about the safety and protection of Americans and America.
Obama is a showman, an empty suit and is now the man who will single handedly bankrupt the United States in a time that we should be preparing for the possibility of world war.
Ohh.. and for the record, the hugh amount of money (a little less than a $1,000,000,000,000.00 of your dollars) that was set aside to stimulate the economy? Less than six percent has been used to date and the Obama administration is now going to tap into it for it's own use... to stimulate Obama's popularity.
Simple! He needed to steal the headlines, as I said he'd do in my last post.
The administration knows America's mind is on bombs flying from the east, kidnapped Americans, terrorism, and taxes (yes being taxed even more to pay for a phony healthcare program). Yes, President Obama has a media conference all while we should be worrying about the safety and protection of Americans and America.
Obama is a showman, an empty suit and is now the man who will single handedly bankrupt the United States in a time that we should be preparing for the possibility of world war.
Ohh.. and for the record, the hugh amount of money (a little less than a $1,000,000,000,000.00 of your dollars) that was set aside to stimulate the economy? Less than six percent has been used to date and the Obama administration is now going to tap into it for it's own use... to stimulate Obama's popularity.
Don't believe it? Do you believe the above video and job creation numbers?
The New York Times:
The Wall Street Journal:
The New York Times:
"Nearly three months after President Obama approved a $787 billion economic stimulus package, intended to create or save jobs, the federal government has paid out less than 6 percent of the money"
The Wall Street Journal:
'The media has fallen for phony jobs claims, the Obama numbers are pure fiction'
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