By the time I walked away from it, I already had my opinion on it all: We need another crisis, the likes of 911, because Americans are more complacent than ever before. Can you think of a better way of waking up the country?
North Korea's ability to reach the United States with nuclear tipped ICBMs and Iran's recent reelection of Ahmadinejad are two very real threats to the west and the world over. Yet the conservatives I heard were all diddling their opinions back and fro and the talk radio callers could only repeat the popular and silly axiom: "keep your powder dry" regarding another chance to gain the White House. Pathetic.
The next administration won't be Republican and, after an attack, surely won't be democrat. The next administration will be communistic in nature; replete with food rationing and rolling marshal law. A militocracy.
Nope, this isn't some kooky Alex Jones theory, it is very much possible because after an attack (and the short lived social uprising or patriotic revolution that will ensue) we won't have the 'stomach' for much else.
Precisely because if we can't really talk about it now, while we can, then we won't need to then (after an attack) when we won't be able to do much about it. Yes, I know, you think different; I can hear your excuses in my head. But all we do is think about it and yet we do nothing about a government and a people asleep.
Inevitably people get the government that they deserve.
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