The psychosis here --and yes, there is some inherently deep issue in your psyche if the death of close to three thousand Americans makes you yawn-- is probably centered around political partisanship or some apolitical (often conspiratorial) belief.
Again, the rest of America thinks different. All you have to do is ask anyone. Go ahead, ask a stranger the question: if you could save 100, 1000 or 2998 lives, by bringing someone just inches away from death, would you? Would you do it? Would you beat, kick, punch, slap, spit, drown or threaten a person who held in their hand a secret that could prevent many, many people from dying?
When said as plainly as this, however, a desperate few begin their diatribe. The tongues-go-a-wagging citing statistics that don't compare with the facts, saying just about anything to keep from the truth. The truth is that L.A. would be inhabitable at worse or would have become the world's largest parking lot, at best, if Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and others would have had their way. However difficult it is to admit, torture works. It worked in the last administration and it will work again. Information was gained, despite what many foolish politically correct or partisan people say in hindsight.
So, it is no wonder that when Dick Cheney appeared on CBS's "Face The Nation" that the conversation began anew. So much so that it woke up the yawners and comedic clowns alike (ala Wanda Sykes). But the question still stands and we must ask ourselves if Cheney was right? Could we even separate ourselves politically to answer it?
We must separate the message from the messenger, because those who wish to injure innocent Americans are not about to be "well behaved" just because America has vowed to some moral high ground. Believe it. Suicide bombers, kamikaze pilots or their ilk will not stop their evilness just because you disagree with Dick or because America's new President wishes to appear morally righteous. America's President endangers his nation by doing so but we will only recognize this when America is attacked again.
A righteous man knows that the lives of the innocent many outweigh the life of an evil man.
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